Below is a helpful 10 point user guide for passengers, which should improve the overall experience for all bus users. Please consider these and anything else you can do to make your own personal journey easier, less stressful and considerate of others.
- Pay attention at stops: Keep an eye out for your bus and monitor any real-time information. When a bus approaches, signal clearly whether you want to board or not – a wasted stop takes up valuable travel time. If you have a mobility issue or a visual impairment, use and check mobile apps and stand near the front of the stop so the driver can see you.
- Form an orderly queue: When your bus arrives, give people the space to disembark and wait your turn to board. People with mobility issues, hidden disabilities or mental health issues may struggle, so give everyone the time and space to board safely.
- Have our tickets, passes, contactless cards or apps ready before you board: You can save time by having your ticket or payment ready, and holding your pass flat on the card reader. If someone does hold up the queue, be patient – you have no idea what they might be dealing with and getting angry or irritated won’t help.
- Move to your seat as quickly as possible: Some drivers wait until passengers are seated before moving off, so make your way directly to a seat when you board. If you see someone struggling, offer to help if you feel able to.
- Make way: If you have to stand for your journey, make sure there’s a clear path to the door for people trying to board or exit. If you have luggage, don’t leave it unattended in a wheelchair space.
- Give priority to passengers who need it: If you’re in a priority seat, or you have a seat on a crowded bus, make sure you offer it to anyone who looks like they may need it. Some needs are hidden, so if you’re asked to give up your seat and you’re able to move, please move.
- Keep your belongings close: Putting your coat or bags on a spare seat in an empty bus is fine. But if the bus is filling up, don’t wait to be asked to move your belongings.
- Don’t pollute: Avoid anything likely to impact other passengers, like listening to loud music or talking loudly on the phone, watching videos with inappropriate content or eating strong-smelling food.
- Get ready to get off: Ring the bell, just once, as far in advance of your stop as is practical. When the bus stops, exit quickly but safely and if you can, offer to help other passengers if you think they may need it.
- Thank the driver: Driving a bus is a demanding job. Saying thank you is a small gesture that makes a big difference.
Before you travel Summary:
We hope this website can provide all the details you will need. If you need any additional information, here are some additional sources:
- Contact us with your question
- Call us on 01268 767870 – Customer Services are open from 9am until 5pm
- Call Traveline on: 0871 200 22 33 during our out of office times
Please note: Calls cost 12p per minute plus any charges your network provider makes - Visit the Traveline website
- The myTrip app, available here:
At the stop:
Signal the driver to stop by putting your arm out.
On the bus:
Pay the driver as you get on. The correct fare saves time! We have discounted tickets to save time as well as money. If you have a concessionary pass, please place it on the reader.
- Buggies and wheelchairs should be secured in the reserved spaces. Our drivers will be pleased to help.
- All our buses are non-smoking. Please consider fellow passengers by keeping personal stereo and mobile volumes down, and by putting litter in the box provided.
- Ring the bell in good time when you want to get off. If unsure of your stop, just ask the driver to let you know when the bus gets there.
We hope your journey was a pleasant one and that you will travel with us again. If we have not met your expectations, please let us know, so that we can try to put things right for the future. And if one of our staff has acted ‘beyond the call of duty’, we will gladly pass on your compliments.